Saturday, August 31, 2013

September News

Welcome all Blazers!

A warm hello Talbot Trail families. My name is Mr. Quaglia and I am your child's teacher for the 2013-2014 school year, along with the Grade 6 Team of Mr. Dougall and Mr. Girdler. Your child is in a class of 28 students, comprised of 13 boys and 15 girls.

      Time for School

Please note the morning entry of 8:20 am and the afternoon dismissal of 2:45 pm. The two nutrition 

breaks which are 40 minutes in duration, are from 10:05 to 10:45 am and from 12:25 to 1:05 pm.

      School Supplies

A request for classroom items is forwarded at this time. Recommended and necessary resources include:

*$7 for a T.T. Agenda 
*a pencil box or case
*Crayola markers
*a calculator
*a small pair of scissors
*a geometry set  

*a large glue stick
*a pack of sharpened pencils
*a small bottle of white glue
*a pack of colour pencils
*6 duotangs
*loose leaf paper optional

Please do not send pens, white out, dictionaries, nor thick binders as these use up precious desk space.

Only Grades 7 & 8 will be allowed to secure lockers. As such, no lock is permitted. 

     P.E. Apparel
A daily gym component is in place for all students. As a result, indoor sneakers, loose and comfortable
clothing, and deodorant are essential items for the gym. Talbot Trail T-Shirts and Shorts will be made 

available for purchase for those who wish to do so.


As I am sure you are aware, Talbot Trail is a Peanut-Free School. The children will be eating in the

classroom.  For your child’s safety, please inform the school when special arrangements are made 

to take your child out for lunch.

     Assigned Teachers

Mr. Quaglia: Language Arts, Mathematics, Visual Arts, Physical Education and Health, and Dance    

Mr. Girdler: Social Studies and Drama   

Mr. Dougall: Science                              

Mme Aiello: French

Miss Tsafos: Music 

Mrs. Lawler: Library


Our 10 Day Schedule is tentative until reorganization day. That having been said, please be aware that assemblies

will be on Days 4 and 9 from 10:45 to 11:35 am, twice per month. One will be Student of the

Month and the other a Classroom Presentation. Library will be on Day 2, Music 

on Days 2 and 7, and Gym periods on Days 1, 4, and 8. 


Nightly tasks will be assigned regularly. Your child should expect 30 to 45 minutes of homework 

three to four times per week.

     Classroom Blog

Find our class updates on-line @ Families can check on nightly homework

tasks, projects, upcoming trips, and more.

Meet the Teacher

Our Open House will occur on Thursday, September 19th from 5:00 – 6:30 pm. This year's format is

barbecue. More information to follow.

     In Closing...

Should you wish to speak to me personally, please phone the school at 519-969-9748.

Kind Regards,

Mr. E. Quaglia